Monday, January 10, 2011

What is Journalism?

Nicole Hillstead
Comms 239 Sec001
Words: 392
What is Journalism?

A word is merely a word without a definition. Definitions come in all shapes and sizes, according to its interpretation by each individual person. Some may hear the word journalism and think only of the newspaper or define it as “writing articles” to me, journalism is much more than “writing articles.” Journalism is a three step process; gather information, share the information, and create an art form out of the information.
            It’s a journalist’s job to gather meaningful and truthful information. It is not enough to hear it through the grapevine and publish it, that would be publishing gossip and there is plenty of that already occurring today. Journalists interview multiple people through a few different ways; person to person, through the phone, or via electronic devices such as e-mail. They must collect enough information to be able to write a compelling story, and they must be able to back up their facts as actual facts.
            Sharing the information with others is the reason journalists exist. People want to know what’s going on, how long it’s been going on, where, why, who’s involved, everything. It’s a natural instinct to be curious about the unknown, and as journalists we give them information to the unknown.
            Creating an art form from the information is where journalism gets trickiest. But good writing defines a good journalist. A careful choice of words can create a very large audience, and an assuming choice of words can hinder the amount of readers. Many journalists have their own unique writing style which appeals to different kinds of people. Some take on a sarcastic view, others a very factual, and some just want to make the reader laugh, but whatever style it is each one is carefully thought about and created to inform the public in an interesting way.
            Journalism is taking on many new forms these days. With the internet it is easier for the average Joe to be the one hit wonder of journalism. People are beginning to turn away from newspapers and are finding other outlets to gather their information, which is why some would say the world of journalism is dying. But those people are wrong. With each new form journalism takes on the three step process still exists; gather information, share the information, and create an art form out of the information.

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