Monday, March 21, 2011

Journalism As a Public Forum

Technology Changes the Public Forum

In class this week we discussed journalism as a public forum and how technology has completely changed this idea. There are many different kinds of forums including radio call-In shows, TV talk shows, editorial pages, blogs, chat rooms, and public polling. Technology however has reinvented a few of these forums. With the internet, information is spread much quicker than it ever could have been before, and there is the ability to have instant audience feedback.
Wikipedia is an example of a public forum, it’s an online encyclopedia that anyone can write articles for, edit, and access for information. There is a much debated discussion between students of this new technological age and their teachers and professors concerning Wikipedia. Most teachers do not allow for students to use this online encyclopedia as a source for any kind of written assignment due to the possibility that the information is incorrect. Students on the other hand, have grown up using the internet for everything, any time we had a question we wouldn’t walk to the library we’d turn on the computer. While Wikipedia may have some articles that have incorrect information, the ratio between correct and incorrect information within Wikipedia versus within what our search engines bring up is much larger in terms of correct information.  
Professor Cressman made a comment about Wikipedia during our discussion and he mentioned the idea that Wikipedia and technology like it has made it redundant for teachers to actual lecture. The way the world is turning these days students can get information very easily and very quickly. There is no reason for a teacher to lecture about things that a student can just bring up on their computer and learn themselves. Public forums have created a whole new way to learn, and gain an education.  I would venture to guess that in the next thirty-five years all schooling will be able to be done on a computer. Much like Wikipedia has done, many more forums will open up online where people can edit, and share their information. Discussions and peer to peer teaching will be able to be done through chat rooms, blogs, and other forums that are all online. The world of learning will literally begin at our fingertips.

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